Letter from YULF Founder

Author: Len Tedeschi

In March 2023, I attended the gala event to celebrate Yosh’s 103rd birthday. There were 100s of people gathered to celebrate the birth of a man who touched so many over the years. As I looked around the room, I didn’t just see a room full of accomplished judokas, I saw a room full of amazing people, all shaped by the lessons of the program that Yosh built over the last 78 years. I felt so blessed to have had the privilege of being part of the program that has shaped my life, both personally & professionally.

It was in that moment, I realized this program must remain viable and thrive to continue producing not only world class judokas, but world class people that contribute to the betterment of society. It also felt like the best way to thank and honor the man, Yosh Uchida, who made such a difference to so many people.

Immediately after the gala, I contacted an attorney to start a 501(c)(3). Once I knew it was possible, I shared this vision with some likeminded people that were close to the organization to solicit advice and support. The Yosh Uchida Legacy Foundation became an official 501(c)(3), recognized by the IRS, in April 2024.

Six amazing people, who share my passion for the program, and admiration for Mr. Uchida, joined me on the Board of Directors – Mike Swain, Keith Nakasone, Lydia Uchida-Sakai, Dr. Bob Nishime, John Kawamoto, and Marti Malloy (Foundation President). Aileen Uchida has also played a significant role. All of us have enthusiastically donated our time and money to this dream to make it a reality. As of today, we have donated over $300k, with the Uchida family donating $100k of it.

We have set the foundation up to not only receive cash donations, but to also receive stock donations, which could provide additional tax benefits to the donor 

Our vision is to have sufficient funds, that are available at the board’s discretion, to support the SJSU judo team – scholarships to attract world class judokas, travel to tournaments and camps to build their skills, experience & confidence, as well as world class coaches. In addition, we envision giving students/recent alumni paid opportunities within the foundation to grow their professional experience to build their resumes, while continuing their training towards Olympic glory. We have one Alumni on payroll today, with plans to add more as we can afford it.

Getting this foundation off the ground, giving back to a program that gave so much to me, and enabling future athletes/pillars of society has been one of the most rewarding experiences in my life. I invite you to join us in this journey of ensuring Yosh’s life’s work, and legacy extends indefinitely.

Len (aka: Lenny) Tedeschi


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